September 10, 2024X. Cum se organizeaza alegerile pentru consiliile de administratie ale tuturor corporatiilor multinatinoale ale lumii de catre Tibet-China Cum se construieste monopolul Instr…
August 20, 2024IX. Veninul de Cobra si Vipera cu Corn, arma suprema a tibetanilor pentru lichidarea oponentilorIn “Cartea misterului Pecetluit” la pagina 52 este urmatoarea schema: In aceasta sche…
May 25, 2024VIII. Ce soarta isi aleg agentii secreti rromi care lucreaza pentru China?Agreement Tibet China a condus lumea politic si financiar folosindu-se mana lor dreapta populatia…
March 11, 2024WARNING!Tibet China Planned to provoke secretly by diversion a reciprocal destroy of Russia-Nato Nuclear War…
June 1, 2021IntroductionThe Kabbalistic signification of the WALL is: STOCK EXCHANGE, STOCK MARKET BOURSE, …
December 12, 2021Chapter I –The secret route of Western countries’ money and assets towards the Indian Stock Exchanges and India…
December 12, 2021Chapter II-The secret route of Western countries’ money and treasuries from Indian Central Bank, Indian Stock E…
December 12, 2021Chapter III-Shadow Bank System is presented only in the Drawing 8 and 9 witch shows the route of German and Fren…
February 26, 2022Chapter IV*Legend: Yellow triangle ( Iranian India Israel) ruled by Tibet-China, is the same for all countr…
March 14, 2022Chapter VChina will provoke by diversion, the NATO – Russia nuclear war The scenario of the provocatio…
October 1, 2022Chapter VIUS DEFENSE INDUSTRY COMPANIES ARE OWNED BY FOREIGNERS These documents refer to an immin…
March 4, 2023Chapter VIITIBET-CHINA IS THE ABSOLUTE LEADER OF THE WORLD The sign of Tibet is the eye. This sign c…