February 12, 2025XIII. Triadele Chinezesti – China TownTriadele Chinezesti – China Town Faptul ca globalizmul si curentul pro-european din Romania ar fi…
November 11, 2024XII. Agentul rromÎn zilele noastre, țiganii (gipsy) sunt tot sclavii sectei bancare tibetane (chineze). Ei sunt oblig…
November 1, 2024XI. Cum pot fi protejati evreii in cazul in care protectorul lor (si pedepsitorul lor tot odata) China, pierde hegemonia mondialaIn cazul in care : a) Razboiul nuclear NATO si Russia orchestrat de China nu va avea loc b) Ra…
November 1, 2024X-Prim. Schema de vot Tibetanala firmele de armament americane in detaliu Traseul actiunilor si traseul voturilor ce decurg din aceste actiuni Actiunile la purta…
September 10, 2024X. Cum se organizeaza alegerile pentru consiliile de administratie ale tuturor corporatiilor multinatinoale ale lumii de catre Tibet-China Cum se construieste monopolul Instrumentele cu care se co…
August 20, 2024IX. Veninul de Cobra si Vipera cu Corn, arma suprema a tibetanilor pentru lichidarea oponentilorIn “Cartea misterului Pecetluit” la pagina 52 este urmatoarea schema: In aceasta sche…
May 25, 2024VIII. Ce soarta isi aleg agentii secreti rromi care lucreaza pentru China?Agreement Tibet China a condus lumea politic si financiar folosindu-se mana lor dreapta populatia…
June 1, 2021IntroductionThe Kabbalistic signification of the WALL is: STOCK EXCHANGE, STOCK MARKET BOURSE, …
December 12, 2021Chapter I –The secret route of Western countries’ money and assets towards the Indian Stock Exchanges and India…
December 12, 2021Chapter II-The secret route of Western countries’ money and treasuries from Indian Central Bank, Indian Stock E…
December 12, 2021Chapter III-Shadow Bank System is presented only in the Drawing 8 and 9 witch shows the route of German and Fren…
February 26, 2022Chapter IV*Legend: Yellow triangle ( Iranian India Israel) ruled by Tibet-China, is the same for all countr…
March 14, 2022Chapter VChina will provoke by diversion, the NATO – Russia nuclear war The scenario of the provocatio…
October 1, 2022Chapter VIUS DEFENSE INDUSTRY COMPANIES ARE OWNED BY FOREIGNERS These documents refer to an immin…
March 4, 2023Chapter VIITIBET-CHINA IS THE ABSOLUTE LEADER OF THE WORLD The sign of Tibet is the eye. This sign c…